ACTION Magazine (October 1954) -- remember that no woman is AVERAGE ...item 3..Pro wrestler Ric Flair calls cops after wife beats him up (June 28, 2012) ...
Image by marsmet462
Flair's marriage to Beems has been a volatile one. Two years ago Beems was arrested for punching her husband in the face during a domestic dispute, reported.
Assault charges were later dropped for lack of evidence.
........***** All images are copyrighted by their respective authors ........
Kinsey (Alfred Charles Kinsey..June 23, 1894 – August 25, 1956) is generally regarded as the father of sexology, the systematic, scientific study of human sexuality. He initially became interested in the different forms of sexual practices around 1933, after discussing the topic extensively with a colleague, Robert Kroc.
It is likely that Kinsey's study of the variations in mating practices among gall wasps led him to wonder how widely varied sexual practices among humans were.
During this work, he developed a scale measuring sexual orientation, now known as the Kinsey Scale which ranges from 0 to 6, where 0 is exclusively heterosexual and 6 is exclusively homosexual; a rating of X, for asexual, was added later by Kinsey's associates.
.....item 1).... Kinsey and sexology ... The Kinsey Reports ... Main article: Kinsey Reports
In 1935, Kinsey delivered a lecture to a faculty discussion group at Indiana University, his first public discussion of the topic, wherein he attacked the "widespread ignorance of sexual structure and physiology" and promoted his view that "delayed marriage" (that is, delayed sexual experience) was psychologically harmful. Kinsey obtained research funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, which enabled him to inquire into human sexual behavior. His Kinsey Reports—starting with the publication of Sexual Behavior in the Human Male in 1948, followed in 1953 by Sexual Behavior in the Human Female—reached the top of bestseller lists and turned Kinsey into an instant celebrity. Articles about him appeared in magazines such as Time, Life, Look, and McCall's. Kinsey's reports, which led to a storm of controversy, are regarded by many as an enabler of the sexual revolution of the 1960s and 1970s. Indiana University's president Herman B Wells defended Kinsey's research in what became a well-known test of academic freedom.
img code photo....
The 1948 first edition of Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, the first of the two Kinsey reports.
img code photo.....TIME Magazine....
Detail of Time cover, August 24, 1953. Under Kinsey's name, the caption reads "Reflections in the mirror of Venus."
.....item 2).... website ... ..Kinsey in the News
Sexual Behavior in the Human Male | Sexual Behavior in the Human Female
----- Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953)
In the five years between the releases of Kinsey's two reports, America completed its evolution from postwar victor to Cold War combatant. With the spectre of nuclear destruction hovering over the world, individuals like Senator Joseph McCarthy parlayed fears of Communism into political power and personal attacks on those in the opposition, who were smeared as un-American. A middle-class ideal of security and family life emerged in this domestic revival.
At a time when American society seemed under attack, Kinsey's report on women was received like another torch on the bonfire. Although some welcomed the report as a necessary tool for education and understanding, outrage crested over the report's implications for American womanhood. A congressional committee launched an investigation into Kinsey's and his funders' possible connections to the Communist Party, and the Indiana professor soon lost his research funding.
----- Time, August 17, 1953
Kinsey for Lutherans
With Dr. Alfred Kinsey's new book Sexual Behavior in the Human Female almost ready for publication, Missouri Synod Lutherans are preparing a kind of Kinsey report of their own. In 1950 the church's Triennial Convention appropriated ,000 for a 25-man research team to investigate Biblical references and Christian teaching on marriage and family life and what Lutherans think and do about it... Among the preliminary findings:
Only 16% of young Lutheran bachelors (age 16-20) admit to sexual intercourse (whereas Kinsey found that, among non-churchgoing Protestants in the same age bracket, 90% of grade-school-level males, 80% at high-school-level and 45% at college level had premarital intercourse)...
64% of married Lutherans, but only 36% of the clergy, approve the use of contraceptive devices...
There was disagreement between laymen and clergy on what causes family dissension. Said the laity: finances, in-laws and disputes over child-training. Said the clergy: drink, sex, and religion.
----- Newsweek, August 24, 1953
...Kinsey's report on men was hailed with enthusiasm by some physiologists and philosophers and attacked with equal fervor by others. Any individual's attitude depended on whether he accepted Kinsey's basic notion that man's biological behavior is dictated by biological needs and subject to the same biological rules that govern lower animals...
...[In the Female Report], in concise and easy-to-read language, Kinsey batters at some contemporary ideas about the female's slower sex responsiveness, her earlier sex development, her greater extent of erogenous (sexually sensitive) zones, and her emotional reactions in sex relations... one thing strikes Dr. Kinsey as outstanding: "... the range of variation [of sex behavior] in the female far exceeds the range of variation in the male."
...The slow destruction of the double standard of sex behavior, Kinsey reasons, has resulted from freer consideration of sex matters in our times: the "emancipation" of the female, increased knowledge of contraception, anonymity of persons living in urban areas, control of venereal infection, draft armies which allow American men and women to observe foreign cultures, and drives against organized prostitution (which have drastically reduced the frequency of male contacts with prostitutes, and increased, correspondingly, the frequency of contacts with females not for direct hire.)
Controversy Coming
The female volume is bound to be a controversial book. Kinsey and his associates have made a contribution to man's limited scientific knowledge of human sex behavior. By presenting an immense mass of evidence, gathered by empirical investigation, they have given their concepts a certain statistical validity, but it is subject to limitations and possibly misinterpretations imposed by a purely materialistic approach.
Inevitably, the new book will bring protests from those who perceive the workings of morality as opposed to plain animal desire in sex and from scientists who may not approve of the doctor's method of collecting his case histories...
----- Time, August 31, 1953
In London last week, the world's biggest daily, the tabloid Mirror (circ. 4,432,700), got out its three-inch type for a single banner headline: WOMEN... K-day -- the prearranged release date for a summary of [Dr. Alfred Kinsey's] book on Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (Time, Aug. 24) -- set off the biggest and raciest commotion the world's press had seen in years...
Hearst papers generally gave the story maximum play, while simultaneously cluck-clucking on their editorial pages. Hearst's New York tabloid, the Daily Mirror, which seldom passes up any story with a sex angle, explained to its readers that it ran this "supposedly... scientific effort [because] we felt we could not become overpious and fail to publish it." Scripps-Howard editors had local option on how to handle the story, e.g., the San Francisco News ran only an explanation of why it was leaving Kinsey out ("This is adult reading"), while Denver's Rocky Mountain News cut out the data on the teenage petting. Other editors had more trouble figuring out euphemisms for Kinsey's clinical explanations...
Some editors did their best to keep the story going, with follow-ups on what women thought about Kinsey. Many readers were indignant. The Great Bend, Kans. Tribune got so many protests "from religious groups and... individual readers" that it stopped a five-installment series with the first and swore off: "No more Kinsey."
----- Collier's, September 18, 1953
by [marriage counselor] Dr. Emily Hartshorne Mudd with Bill Davidson
...For the first time, as a result of [Kinsey's] work we have facts based on they systematic observation of large numbers of people; previous pioneers in the field -- mainly Sigmund Freud and Havelock Ellis-- had instead given detailed reports on individual cases. With the publication this month of the new Kinsey Report on the sexual behavior of 5,940 women, we professionals are buttressed by even more scientific fact, by additional statistically valid averages and patterns...
Education is Urgently Needed
Besides using the Kinsey Report on women as a yardstick for the average (as we did with the first report) we will also use it more broadly -- to educate people. Such education is badly needed. We have actually had hundreds of cases where neither the husband nor the wife realized that women are capable of any sexual response. There are many wives who consider their husbands unfaithful because they are aroused by outside stimulation, such as pictures of other women. Dr. Kinsey's new report will show these brooding wives that nearly all men react strongly to nudity, thoughts of other experiences and so on -- and that their mental stimulations help the man respond to his wife as his immediate love object...
It's not surprising that Dr. Kinsey's Sexual Behavior in the Human Female is being described as one of the most controversial books of our age. Fundamentally, it is a magnificent piece of basic research which will be used by scholars for years to come as a jumping-off place for further studies. It and its companion volume give us the fullest set of facts we have at the moment on the subject of human sexual behavior. We still don't understand the implications of some of the facts; others may be disproved later on; and we may never find a practical application for much of the material. But the book should make us at least review some of the codes and mores that were set up before we knew the facts.
Certainly the new Kinsey Report should bring happiness to far more people than it may hurt, and it could even change important aspects of our culture. Several of my colleagues have commented, "Don't be surprised if in the next few years you see a quiet revolution in America, with more and more thinking parents encouraging their children to marry very young -- to spare them the frustration of having no permissible sex outlet during the peak years of their desires."
If this and other significant changes do take place in our culture, it will be difficult to believe that people once asked: "Why would an important scientist like Dr. Kinsey spend fifteen years of his life studying a distasteful subject like sex?"
Letters to the Editor
----- Time, September 7, 1953
Can't buy our Aug. 24 Time: our newsstands sold out. All holier-than-thous want to read your report on Kinsey's book. Be prepared for indignant letters to the editor.
Captain and Mrs. C. N. Beecham
Wichita, Kansas
----- Time, September 14, 1953
You are to be complimented on giving such a comprehensive account... Dr. Kinsey feels that the information he has gathered will help people to plan for happier marriages. I believe he is right...
Elizabeth Rosser
Chicago, Illinois
Any man who could get that much straight forward information from one, let alone nearly 6,000 women, should be Time's Man of the Year.
R. C. Tomlinson
West Orange, New Jersey
----- Collier's, October 16, 1953
I want to commend you on your article... I have been married 19 years and my husband took at least half of those years to learn a few of the things that Kinsey sets down so clearly. Thank you for a fearless article and one which I am sure will help people.
(Name withheld)
De Kalb, Illinois
I am no prude or saint, and Alfred C. Kinsey can publish his report on Sexual Behavior in the Human Female, but why your magazine should stoop to the low level of publishing a summary of this report is beyond me.
Loren A. Bates
Jackson, Mississippi
----- Look, October 20, 1953
I read the article on Dr. Kinsey's report with disgust. He takes a so-called survey of a few American women with bad morals and sets them up as an example of typical American womanhood...
Mrs. Chester Lyons
Cedar Lake, Indiana
Dr. Kinsey is to be congratulated for pioneering in the study of a perilous subject: woman. His work will serve as a kicking-off point for hundreds of scientific studies. Yet, I wonder if anyone will ever succeed in categorizing these unpredictable creatures.
Bill Smith
Chicago, Illinois
----- Collier's, October 30, 1953
I think congratulations are in order to Dr. Emily Hartshorne Mudd and Bill Davidson for showing the proper relationship between the book and education. Instead of merely reviewing the findings, they have made them practical for education by showing the information workable.
Mrs. James Knowles
Detroit, Michigan
page created on 1.27.05
.....item 3).... Daily News ... ...
Pro wrestler Ric Flair calls cops after wife beats him up
Flair, a force in the ring for 45 years, called police Monday night to ask for help in dealing with his abusive wife, Jacqueline Bains Beems, police say.
Comments (8)
img code photo ... Pro wrestler Ric Flair and wife, Jacqueline Bains Beems!/...
Pro wrestler Ric Flair at the Beverly Hills premier of ‘The Wrestler’ in 2008. (Photo by Jason Merritt/FilmMagic)
Thursday, June 28, 2012, 2:40 PM
Champion wrestler Ric Flair, a force in the ring for 45 years, reportedly called police Monday after he was assaulted by his wife - again.
Flair called police Monday night to ask for help in dealing with his abusive wife, Jacqueline Bains Beems, police say.
img code photo ... Jacqueline Bains Beems mug shot:!/img/httpIma...
Jacqueline Bains Beems mug shot: She has been arrested twice for assulting her professional wrestler husband, Ric Flair.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police went to the couple's North Carolina condo. No arrests were made and no one was brought to the hospital, according to the police report.
Flair's marriage to Beems has been a volatile one. Two years ago Beems was arrested for punching her husband in the face during a domestic dispute, reported. Assault charges were later dropped for lack of evidence.
At that time Flair's agent said in a statement, "Ric has done nothing wrong. Ric finds this incident unsettling and is committed to correcting any issues in his personal life," the Global Post reported.
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Ric Flair looks on while awaiting the entrance of Hulk Hogan during the 2009 Hulkamania Tour in Perth, Australia. (Photo by Paul Kane/Getty Images)
The couple married in 2010 and met in 2004 during one of Flair's appearances in Chicago.
Under the wrestling name "Nature Boy" Flair, the 6-foot-1, 243-pound fighter has won 30 different titles and was inducted in the WWE Hall of Fame twice. He continues to wrestle part-time for WWE.
Avril Lavigne The Black Star Tour Malaysia 2012
Image by aSMawi
Avril Ramona Lavigne (pronunciation: /ˈævrɨl ləˈviːn/; av-ril lə-veen; born 27 September 1984) is a Canadian singer-songwriter. She was born in Belleville, Ontario, but spent most of her youth in the small town of Napanee. By the age of 15, she had appeared on stage with Shania Twain; by 16, she had signed a two-album recording contract with Arista Records worth more than million. In 2002, when she was 17 years old, Lavigne broke onto the music scene with her debut album Let Go.
Let Go made Lavigne the youngest female soloist to reach No. 1 in the UK, and the album was certified four-times platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America. By 2009, over 18 million copies had been sold worldwide. Her breakthrough single, "Complicated", peaked at No. 1 in many countries around the world, as did the album Let Go. Her second album, Under My Skin, was released in 2004 and was her first album to peak at No. 1 on the U.S. Billboard 200, eventually selling more than 10 million copies worldwide. The Best Damn Thing, Lavigne’s third album, was released in 2007, becoming her third No. 1 album in the UK Albums Chart and featuring her first U.S. Billboard Hot 100 No. 1 single, "Girlfriend". Lavigne has scored five number-one singles worldwide, including "Complicated", "Sk8er Boi", "I'm with You", "My Happy Ending" and "Girlfriend". With more than 30 million copies of her albums sold worldwide, Lavigne is one of the top-selling artists releasing albums in the U.S., with over 10.25 million copies certified by the RIAA. Her fourth studio album, Goodbye Lullaby, was released in March 2011. Goodbye Lullaby gave Lavigne her fourth top 10 album on the U.S. Billboard 200 and the UK Albums Chart and her third No. 1 album in both Japan and Australia. Three months after the release of Goodbye Lullaby, Lavigne began work on her fifth album which will be released on Epic Records following her departure from RCA Records.
Lavigne branched out from recording music, pursuing careers in feature film acting and designing clothes and perfumes. She voiced a character in the animated film, Over the Hedge, in 2006. That same year, she made her on-screen feature film debut in Fast Food Nation. In 2008, Lavigne introduced her clothing line, Abbey Dawn, and in 2009, she released her first perfume, Black Star, which was followed by her second perfume, Forbidden Rose, in 2010 and her third perfume, Wild Rose, in 2011. In July 2006, Lavigne married her boyfriend of two years, Deryck Whibley, lead singer and guitarist for Sum 41. The marriage lasted a little over three years, and in October 2009, Lavigne filed for divorce. Whibley and Lavigne continued to work together, with Whibley producing her fourth album, as well as Lavigne's single, "Alice", written for Tim Burton's film Alice in Wonderland.
Avril Lavigne The Black Star Tour Malaysia 2012
Image by aSMawi
Avril Ramona Lavigne (pronunciation: /ˈævrɨl ləˈviːn/; av-ril lə-veen; born 27 September 1984) is a Canadian singer-songwriter. She was born in Belleville, Ontario, but spent most of her youth in the small town of Napanee. By the age of 15, she had appeared on stage with Shania Twain; by 16, she had signed a two-album recording contract with Arista Records worth more than million. In 2002, when she was 17 years old, Lavigne broke onto the music scene with her debut album Let Go.
Let Go made Lavigne the youngest female soloist to reach No. 1 in the UK, and the album was certified four-times platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America. By 2009, over 18 million copies had been sold worldwide. Her breakthrough single, "Complicated", peaked at No. 1 in many countries around the world, as did the album Let Go. Her second album, Under My Skin, was released in 2004 and was her first album to peak at No. 1 on the U.S. Billboard 200, eventually selling more than 10 million copies worldwide. The Best Damn Thing, Lavigne’s third album, was released in 2007, becoming her third No. 1 album in the UK Albums Chart and featuring her first U.S. Billboard Hot 100 No. 1 single, "Girlfriend". Lavigne has scored five number-one singles worldwide, including "Complicated", "Sk8er Boi", "I'm with You", "My Happy Ending" and "Girlfriend". With more than 30 million copies of her albums sold worldwide, Lavigne is one of the top-selling artists releasing albums in the U.S., with over 10.25 million copies certified by the RIAA. Her fourth studio album, Goodbye Lullaby, was released in March 2011. Goodbye Lullaby gave Lavigne her fourth top 10 album on the U.S. Billboard 200 and the UK Albums Chart and her third No. 1 album in both Japan and Australia. Three months after the release of Goodbye Lullaby, Lavigne began work on her fifth album which will be released on Epic Records following her departure from RCA Records.
Lavigne branched out from recording music, pursuing careers in feature film acting and designing clothes and perfumes. She voiced a character in the animated film, Over the Hedge, in 2006. That same year, she made her on-screen feature film debut in Fast Food Nation. In 2008, Lavigne introduced her clothing line, Abbey Dawn, and in 2009, she released her first perfume, Black Star, which was followed by her second perfume, Forbidden Rose, in 2010 and her third perfume, Wild Rose, in 2011. In July 2006, Lavigne married her boyfriend of two years, Deryck Whibley, lead singer and guitarist for Sum 41. The marriage lasted a little over three years, and in October 2009, Lavigne filed for divorce. Whibley and Lavigne continued to work together, with Whibley producing her fourth album, as well as Lavigne's single, "Alice", written for Tim Burton's film Alice in Wonderland.
LATE SHOW Magazine (1963) ... Stairway to Heaven -- Led Zeppelin IV -- Released November 8, 1971 ...item 3.. Tallahassee weather constantly changing (2:17 AM, Dec. 6, 2012) ...
Image by marsmet522
This temperamental weather is not okay. A girl needs some consistency in her life. It’s like Pavlov’s hierarchy of needs and my basic weather needs are not being met, therefore my other important needs such as being content with my life can not be reached.
.......***** All images are copyrighted by their respective authors ......
"Stairway to Heaven"...The song, often considered one of the greatest rock songs of all-time. It was composed by guitarist Jimmy Page and vocalist Robert Plant for the band's untitled fourth studio album (usually referred to as Led Zeppelin IV). The song, running eight minutes and two seconds, is composed of several sections, which increase in tempo and volume as the song progresses. The song begins as a slow acoustic-based folk song accompanied by recorders before electric instrumentation is introduced. The final section is a high-tempo hard rock section highlighted by an intricate guitar solo by Page
.....item 1a) video... Stairway to Heaven Led Zeppelin Lyrics ....8:05 minutes..
Uploaded by CBAND1T on Nov 19, 2009
"Stairway to Heaven" is a song by the English rock band Led Zeppelin. It was composed by guitarist Jimmy Page and vocalist Robert Plant for the band's fourth unnamed studio album, (see Led Zeppelin IV (1971)). The song was voted #3 in 2000 by VH1 on their list of the 100 Greatest Rock Songs.[1] It was the most requested song on FM radio stations in the United States in the 1970s, despite never having been released as a single there.[2] In November 2007, through download sales promoting Led Zeppelin's Mothership release, "Stairway to Heaven" hit #37 on the UK Singles Chart.[3]
black dog stairway to heaven backtrack backwards led zeppelin IV iv CBand1t music lyrics studio version rock and roll when the levee breaks misty mountain hop
Standard YouTube License
.....item 1b).....Accolades
......Publication .... ... Country .... Accolade ... Year .. Rank
....Rock and Roll Hall of FameUnited States"The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's 500 Songs that
....Shaped Rock and Roll"[53]1994*
....Classic RockUnited Kingdom"Ten of the Best Songs Ever!"[54]19991
....VH1United States"The 100 Greatest Rock Songs of All Time"[55]20003
....RIAAUnited States"Songs of the Century"[56]200153
....Grammy AwardsUnited States"Grammy Hall of Fame Award"[57]2003*
....Rolling StoneUnited States"The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time"[58]200331
....QUnited Kingdom"100 Songs That Changed the World"[59]200347
....Toby CreswellAustralia"1001 Songs: the Great Songs of All Time"[60]2005*
....QUnited Kingdom"100 Greatest Songs of All Time"[61]20068
....Rolling StoneUnited States"100 Greatest Guitar Songs of All Time"[62]20088
....Triple JAustralia"Hottest 100 of All Time"200910
....Guitar WorldUnited States"100 Greatest Guitar Solos" [63]20061
.....item 2).... euronews .... ... Back in the Day - History - Rock ‘n’ roll
img code photo....Led Zeppelin releases Led Zeppelin IV
Back in the Day: Led Zep IV hits the record shops
07/11 10:01 CET
*November 8, 1971.* Led Zeppelin releases Led Zeppelin IV, which becomes the third-best-selling album ever in the US, and includes what many fans consider to be the best rock song ever: Stairway to heaven. The album confirmed Led Zeppelin as the biggest rock act on the planet, ushering in an era of vast stadium and festival concerts, and groups performing ever more technically complex songs with increasingly sophisticated and expensive instruments. The trend dominated rock music until the late 1970s, when it was stripped back to its basic roots by Punk. _Led Zeppelin IV_ has sold over 33 million copies worldwide, including 23 million in the US.
Also on November 8: French revolutionaries reopen the former royal palace of the Louvre as a museum (1793); Wilhelm Rontgen discovers X-rays (1895); Operation Torch – US and UK forces land in French North Africa during WWII (1942); John F. Kennedy narrowly defeats Richard Nixon in the US presidential election (1960); Great Britain abolishes the death penalty for murder (1965).
Born on November 8: Edmond Halley (1656), Milton Bradley (1836), Bram Stoker (1847), Margaret Mitchell (1900), Alain Delon (1935), Guus Hiddink (1946), Gretchen Mol (1972)
Copyright © 2011 euronews
.....item 3).... FSU News ... ... Tallahassee weather constantly changing
Alternating temperature patterns have one Florida State student agitated
2:17 AM, Dec. 6, 2012 |
Written by
Samantha Husted
Staff Writer
FSU News
FSU News Samantha Husted|newswell|text|frontpage|p
I think I speak for everyone when I say, what the hell is up with this weather? It’s been changing like a dramatic preteen switches her celebrity-boy-band crush—never quite sure which direction it wants to go, but trying as hard as it can to annoy her parents and every person on Twitter.
Having an 8 a.m. class only makes this whole flaky weather situation worse. The past few weeks I have gone to class and it’s anywhere between 35 to 50 degrees outside, warrants winter clothes. As I shiver my way onto campus three days a week, I hope that maybe the weather has finally made a decision and will finally remain cold. A decision I would be okay with so long as it stayed that way for an appropriate amount of time—like, I don’t know say the winter months.
But, as my 8 a.m. class finishes and I have a two-hour break until my next class, I return to the outside world only to be disappointed by the slight rise in temperature. But there is still hope for some form of weather consistency—I visit Mom & Pop’s, get myself a lemonade and a muffin, then hide myself inside with my hopes and dreams of the a perfect weather situation.
After my 11 a.m. class, ends I always feel hesitant upon leaving. I’m still donning winter clothes and if the temperature has risen too far, I’ll look stupid and be uncomfortably hot. Without fail this past week, that has been the case. Everyday when I leave class the weather has somehow jumped into the mid-70s. How is that even possible when four hours ago I could clearly see my breath?
This temperamental weather is not okay. A girl needs some consistency in her life. It’s like Pavlov’s hierarchy of needs and my basic weather needs are not being met, therefore my other important needs such as being content with my life can not be reached.
On days when I don’t have to wake up at 8 a.m. (Tuesdays and Thursdays) the weather has been mixed. Some days it’ll be cloudy and cold and the next day warm and sunny. I hate this limbo stage between fall and winter that only Florida seems to have. It’s too hot out to wear big coats but too cold to not wear pants and at least a sweater. It makes picking out an outfit difficult.
My problems boil down to my 8 a.m. class. That being said the weather is not helping, but rather hurting. I know when it does finally get cold and stay that way I’ll be begging for warmth, but right now constant cold sounds better than cold-hot-cold-hot every other day.
Image by Kemon01
22 Jun 1956, Los Angeles, California, USA --- United Press photo by staff photographer Stewart Sawyer, made in Hollywood, may throw some light on the wildest exponent of rock and roll. Here is Elvis Presley, a man who never took a singing lesson in his life, yet managed to make a record ("Heartbreak Hotel") which sold more than a million copies after just a few weeks on the market. His later hits have firmly established him a top musical star --- but observers along Broadway and at Hollywood and Vine are still scratching their heads, baffled by it all.
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